Recruit & Re-Recruit

At joyful, we examine your goals and dig in deep on the authentic employee experience.

So in creating a talent recruitment film for Aggregate Resource Industries, we spent time with the guys in the field who do the hard work. We became familiar with every aspect of their day and what made them tick, up until... BOOM! 💣

The Result

A gritty little short film that displayed a life of jet setting around in mud-coated boots from one explosion to the next. Hard work and weathered hands, mixed with the precision handling and detonating of explosives from a team that lived with each other, sometimes for a week at a time and absolutely must trust one another.

They work VERY hard, in precarious landscapes, but like most who do, also know how to play 😉

Being authentic to the team, the job, the life, made for an honest recruitment, which beckons a right fit applicant.

Showcasing those who make our companies what they are, in a way that honors and appreciates them, installs purpose.

We’d love to help you with your recruitment or re-recruitment needs.

You just gotta ask for help!

Let’s make work more!

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